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Engagement Building Blocks - Glossary

Terms and meanings to help clarify and support your use of the Engagement Building Blocks.

Awareness raisingCitizen participation+3

Local Data Spaces Policy

The local data spaces policy in the construction industry refers to the creation of digital representations of a building's data in a secure and controlled environment. This includes information about the design, construction, and operation of the building, such as building plans, specifications, schedules, and energy consumption data. The purpose of this policy is to provide a centralized repository of building data that can be easily accessed and shared by all stakeholders, including ...

Governance and policyClimate resilience+1

Advanced Renovation Support

The renovation supporting solutions can potentially support users (Facility managers, Building owners, ESCOs) in the design and selection of most appropriate building renovation actions. In modern data-driven developments, this is achieved by leveraging the real-time data coming from the actual operation of the building combined with occupants’ behaviuor- and comfort profiles. With the support of  data science (i.e. AI algorithms) an alternative renovation scenarios for the selected ...

Climate resilienceAnalytics and modelling+2

Grassed swales and water retention pounds

Swales are shallow, flat bottomed, vegetated open channels designed to convey, treatand often attenuate surface water runoff. When incorporated into site design, they can enhance the natural landscape and provide aesthetic and biodiversity benefits. They are often used to drain roads, paths or car parks, where it is convenient to collect distributed in flows of runoff, or as a means of conveying runoff on the surface while enhancing access corridors or other open space. Swales can have a ...

BiodiversityClimate resilience+1
Case study (old)

Cloughjordan Ecovillage

The Cloughjordan Ecovillage started as a plan to create a community of dedicated environmentalists; to buy a site on which they could build their lives. The very first residents of Ireland's first ecovillage moved into their homes in 2009. Today, with 55 low-carbon homes, a carbon-neutral district heating system, a community farm, a green enterprise centre, a planned reed-bed treatment plant, a photovoltaic power plant, and Ireland’s lowest ecological footprint, the ecovillage is ...

Citizen participationFunding+5

Improving Local Governments Capacity - The Experience of Municipal Finances ...

Author: World Bank, Catherine Farvacque-Vitkovic; Sabine Palmreuther; Tamara Nikolic; International consultant, Anne Sinet; Local Consultants, Anton Bajo (Croatia); Ljiljana Brdarevic (Serbia); Naida Carsimamovic Vukotic (BIH-FBIH); Anila Gilka (Albania); Marjan Niko lov (Macedonia); Natasha Obradovic (Montenegro); Goran Rakic (BIH-RS) Category: City level capacity assessment Published/Created by: World Bank ...

Awareness raisingFinance
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