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Greater Manchester - Powering a Greener Future and Building a Carbon-Neutral ...

Greater Manchester, home to over 2.8 million people, has set an ambitious target to become carbon-neutral by 2038. The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is made up of the ten Greater Manchester city councils and mayors, who work with other local services, businesses, communities and other partners to improve the city-region.


NZC Solutions Outliner tutorial video

NZC SOLUTION OUTLINER / Identify and prioritize decarbonization solutions for your city The NZC SOLUTIONS OUTLINER is a tool developed to support the Mission Cities in getting the most ALIGNED SET OF SOLUTIONS that could contribute to their transition towards neutrality. The service uses contextual parameters such as ambition, barriers, enablers, and co-benefits to automatically present a LIST OF PRIORITIZED SOLUTIONS, from which the user can get more information.

Awareness raisingGovernance and policy+3

NetZeroCities Capability Building Module Investment Plan | Part C

NetZeroCities Capability Building Module Investment Plan | Part C


NetZeroCities Call for Twin Cities Information Webinar Slides | 12th June 2023

NetZeroCities Call for Twin Cities Information Webinar | 12th June 2023 This webinar: 1) gives information about the Call for Twin Cities (Call guidelines, who can apply, selection criteria, timeframe, Pilot cities, Application Form etc) and 2) answers questions about the Call.

Awareness raisingSocial innovation

Energy Performance Contract (EPC) - Shared savings

Energy Performance Contracting  This is a form of creative funding for capital enhancement that permits the upgrading of funding energy upgrades from cost reduction. In Energy Performance Contracting (EPC), and Energy Saving Company (ESCO) is assigned the responsibilities of executing an energy efficiency or a renewable energy project. The production of energy or saving in the project finances the initial investment of the project that is to be carried out. The ESCO is compensated in ...


Decarbonising transport with Ultra-Low Emission Zones in London

Central to London's Healthy Streets Approach is the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) launched in 2019. Operating 24-hours a day, seven days a week, the ULEZ addresses the need to reduce pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, half of which come from transport.

Governance and policyAir quality+1
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