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The overarching process of Activating an inclusive ecosystem for change is at the heart of the Climate Transition Map approach, and is intended to expand and gain more momentum during each iteration (or turn through the Map). Make it the new normal process with an inclusive activation of your local ecosystems is key to support and enable a strong Climate City Contract.

To make it the new normal can enable the creation of new infrastructures and embedded cultural practices that notably foster distributed leadership, nurture networks of radical collaboration and collective action. These new cultural embedded practices support the emergence of generative relationships based on trust, shared interest and shared accountability that supports the inclusive local ecosystem e.g. governments, civil servants, business, citizens and communities to come together to imagine and co-create a healthy, just and climate-neutral collective future.



Find relevant Citizens and Urban Stakeholder Engagement and Participation Case Studies and Methods to support the “Make it the New Normal” process of the Climate Transition Map. 


Case Studies:  

  1. Paris’ Standing Citizens' Assembly The permanent Paris Citizens' Assembly is the first full-scale institutionalisation of a representative public deliberation, and it's composed of 100 residents of Paris selected by civic lottery.

  1. CDMX’ Crowdsourced Constitution Through crowdsourcing, Mexico City granted a voice and autonomy to the citizens to generate a new constitution. Online petitions, surveys, kiosks, general assemblies and data collection centres served as spaces to acquire these opinions and recommendations. 

  1. Climate and energy model region An initiative to develop large-scale solutions for affordable and reliable energy systems in Austria while focusing on bottom-up approaches where regions develop their own ways of enhancing renewable energies. 

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Citizen participationCultureGovernance and policyStakeholder engagementClimate resilience
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