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The overarching process of Activating an inclusive ecosystem for change is at the heart of the Climate Transition Map approach, and is intended to expand and gain more momentum during each iteration (or turn through the Map). Building a strong mandate process with an inclusive activation of your local ecosystems is key to support and enable a strong Climate City Contract. To enable an activated inclusive ecosystem to be part of the mandate process means allowing a thin consensus around accelerated action to be reached, compromises to be made for the collective good and commitments for the Climate City Contract to be secured. This encourages and opens up pathways for radical collaborative action, transformative innovation(s), and joined up investment.



Find relevant Citizens and Urban Stakeholder Engagement and Participation Case Studies and Methods to support the “Build a Strong Mandate” process of the Climate Transition Map. 


Case Studies:     

  1. Climate Democracy Model in Amsterdam  The project focused on what is needed to achieve a decarbonised future in Amsterdam based on key principles of deeper and wider civic engagement for climate action, including collaboration amongst diverse actors, peer learning, and experimentation for new forms of governance.   

  1. Vision Workshop An innovative, inclusive workshop format, gathering Sztum's stakeholders, focusing on individual ideas about the Sztum future, related to the everyday life and environment of people taking part in the event to better understand the concept of climate neutrality and to co-create a common vision of Sztum in a climate-neutral future.

  1. Bridging Divides: Collaborating for Sustainable Development in São Paulo The work of a multi-stakeholder group to help progress sustainable development to create a better future in Sao Paolo’s North Zone.   



  1. Climate Democracy Model The Climate Democracy Model consists of practical, interconnected tools for a city or region to assess and analyse its progress towards climate resilience through democratic means, focusing on diversity of actors and knowledge, participatory culture, resourcing and competencies for climate democracy.    

  1. Energetic Municipality The energetic municipality helps municipal employees who have little time and/or resources to do so by providing concrete guidelines for involving residents and for creating internal support for this topic within the municipality.  

  1. Vision Workshop Toolbox The idea behind Vision Workshops is to bring together representatives of different groups (the general public, city administration, and/or schools) in their local context to make the concept of climate neutrality accessible to the population and to develop a shared vision for a future that is climate neutral.  

  1. Futures thinking Thinking is a broad umbrella of approaches that support people to think about, cope with, and imagine what is likely to happen, and what could happen, in the future.  

  1. Citizens’ Jury A citizens’ jury are tasked to address a topic/issue through deliberation and present their recommendations or decisions regarding the topic. Jurors are citizens selected through random stratified selection, to ensure representation of the affected community. The report is also available for the public to read. Citizens’ juries are advisory in nature, and work on a policy issue. 

  1. Oasis Game The Oasis Game is a community challenge for the realization of collective dreams. A group of players and a community make a dream come true by only using materials, resources and skills that are available in the community itself. It is a fast-paced and intense game that raises energy level and empowerment in the community. It was developed in Brasil and has been used in different contexts around the world.


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Citizen participationStakeholder engagement
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