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Local Data Spaces Policy

The local data spaces policy in the construction industry refers to the creation of digital representations of a building's data in a secure and controlled environment. This includes information about the design, construction, and operation of the building, such as building plans, specifications, schedules, and energy consumption data. The purpose of this policy is to provide a centralized repository of building data that can be easily accessed and shared by all stakeholders, including designers, contractors, owners, and building occupants.

By having all relevant information in one place, the local data spaces policy aims to improve collaboration, increase transparency, and reduce errors in the building process. Additionally, it provides a valuable source of information for ongoing building operations and maintenance, allowing building managers to make informed decisions about energy use, maintenance schedules, and upgrades. The policy can be applied to both new buildings and existing buildings, and the benefits include improved project delivery, reduced waste, increased efficiency, and enhanced building performance.

In terms of implementation, the local data spaces policy is typically established through a combination of technological solutions, such as building information modelling (BIM) software, and best practices for data management. This can involve creating a digital twin of the building, which provides a virtual representation of the physical building and its systems. By using BIM software and other tools, stakeholders can access, share, and collaborate on building data in real-time, reducing the risk of errors and improving project delivery.

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Governance and policyClimate resilienceAnalytics and modellingTechnology
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