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Desktop Walkthroughs for service design

Desktop walkthrough is a well-known service design technique: a miniature environment is developed to simulate the experience on a small scale, for example with toy figurines, cardboard or Lego bricks. The purpose is to have a mock-up simulation of the user experience for co-designing and testing a service and different scenarios.

The relevant output is not the model of the map but the experience of simulating the service experience step by step. The desktop walkthrough helps to make tangible the experiential process of a service. Desktop walkthroughs allow service concepts to be iterated at a much faster pace. New ideas can be instantly identified, tried, and tested. The service concepts get refined quickly.


This method is suitable to be used with citizens and other stakeholders, to have feedback or co-design the service experience. It can be applied to any field and it seems particularly useful to design and test innovative service concepts, for instance when a city is planning a new service for car sharing or circular economy such as re-using or recycling. The path to climate neutrality will require behavioral changes: as it is difficult to predict people's behavior for novel services, the Desktop Walkthrough method supports designing user-centered services.

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Citizen participationSocial innovation
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