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Public charging system for EVs

Easy access to public charging for EVs (including taxis, city utility vehicles, private cars, etc.) is a necessity in transition toward zero-emission electric transport. An expanded charging network needs to be user-centred and integrated with public space design, to encourage consumers to move to EVs and increase electric vehicle drivers’ confidence and their practical traveling range. The charging infrastructures can be provided in various locations & forms, i.e. on-street charging infrastructure for residents & (fast) charging hubs. Howevere, interoperability between the infrastructure and vehicles and smart and intelligent charging should be considered as requirements for public charging to avoid vendor lock-ins & reduce the burden on the grid.

Electric vehicle charging guide for cities. Source: https://theicct.org/sites/default/files/publications/EV_charging_guide_03162020.pdf

To support the growth of EVs and to fulfil the increasing need for public charging infrastructure, cities need more public charging points that are planned according to their unique charging needs. A city’s charging needs could be assessed according to different factors. For example, the required charging power should be assessed based on commuting patterns, vehicle mix, electric vehicle growth expectations, and the electrical grid. Based on charging needs assessment the city can on a periodic basis identify the need of charging infrastructure to meet and sustain EV demand and develop EV charging deployment involving key stakeholders with an idea to integrate public charging in city's existing and new infrastructure.

The state of EV charging infrastructure in Europe by 2030. Source: https://www.virta.global/blog/ev-charging-infrastructure-development-statistics#:~:text=On%20average%20in%202021%2C%20the,current%20and%20future%20EV%20drivers

Cities’ policy and regulatory tools play an important role to accelerate the pace of charging deployments. These include electric vehicle-ready building codes to reduce future costs; streamlined permitting processes and pre-approval of sites to draw private investment; targeted, easy-to-access incentives to fill difficult-to-reach segments; policies to encourage the electrification of ride-hailing and private-hire vehicles to encourage high-utilization business cases; and working closely with electric utilities and grid operators to reduce stress on the grid (link).

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Climate resilienceEnergyTechnologyTransport and mobility
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