Brief description
Energy cooperative KLIK (Križevci Climate Innovation Laboratory), was founded in 2020 to help make Križevci a self-sufficient city, but above all to engage citizens in the energy transition. KLIK works on identifying the needs of the local community, implementing technology in the social environment, and empowering the local community through cooperation, joint creation and capacity building. KLIK encourages local people to invest in renewable energy sources, both in public projects and in their households, they help citizens in the development and application of renewable energy projects and are a place for all issues related to energy, climate, quality of life striving to be a driver of change in their local community. Its goal is to democratize the energy system by empowering citizens to produce and consume their own energy and to put citizens at the very centre of the energy transition: they should have control over the production, distribution, and supply of energy. Also, they are discovering opportunities for the citizens to invest their savings in local energy facilities that both generate income and produce clean energy, instead of keeping money in the bank. In this manner, KLIK delivered a first project that allows the citizens to invest in the solar roofs called “Križevački sunčani krovovi” (eng. Solar roofs of Križevci). Citizens were given the opportunity to finance the installation of a 30,667 € power plant on the roof of the Križevci Development Center and Technology Park through a loan for a period of 10 years, during which the investment is returned with an interest rate of 4.5 per cent. The lowest bet was 133 € and the highest was 1,333 €. After the announcement of the campaign, the necessary amount was collected in just 10 days, and the response of the citizens was truly extraordinary. The power of the installed power plant is 30 kW, and the estimated saving in electricity bill payment is 4,800 € per year.
Self-sufficient city, citizen engagement, technology implementation, joint creation, capacity building
Time period
Ongoing initiative - From 2020 to now
Citizens of the City of Križevci expressed their need for support in the energy and climate projects. Based on their need KLIK cooperative was established and is strongly supported by the City of Križevci and Green Energy Cooperative. KLIK is where all energy-related questions the citizens may have will be answered. It offers support to the citizens in applying for funds. It also supports the City of Križevci in writing and submitting projects, mapping and designing solar power plants, and resolving all issues regarding energy, quality of life, transparency, and citizen involvement.
World Region
Scale(s) of the case analysed
Target audience and dimension
Domain(s) of application
Context addressed
Solution applied
Challenge addressed/ Problem-led approach
Barriers addressed
Main Practices
Co benefits
Engagement Journey
Impact to climate neutrality
KLIK's goal is to help make Križevci a self-sufficient city, but above all, to engage citizens in the energy transition. With that, it directly relates to Collaboration Action Ability and Climate narrative and communication. Besides the “Križevački sunčani krovovi” project, which helped citizens to invest in solar power plants in 30 kW solar power plants in 2018. and 2019. during the first half of 2022, KLIK helped in the preparation of 37 solar panel projects for households and 6 for companies. Moreover, Klik opened a Center for combating energy poverty and invited citizens to contact them, not only to prepare investment projects but also if they need a recommendation on small energy efficiency measures that could help them to achieve savings.
Context & Public policy of reference
With its goal to help Križevci to become an energy self-sufficient city, KLIK brings Križevci closer to achieving the desired energy and climate neutrality envisaged by the European Green Deal.
Innovative approach(es) addressed
KLIK is a prime example of citizens coming together for the same cause, strongly oriented towards energy efficiency and climate-resilient development of the city. By establishing KLIK cooperative, citizens of Križevci created a place where they can go when they need help with their energy projects, but also an entity that will work on the projects oriented towards creating a self-sufficient city.
Citizens of Križevci
Stakeholder networks and organisational model
Stakeholder | Role [accountable, consulted, informed] |
City of Križevci | The city of Križevci supports the KLIK cooperative in its work |
Energy and Development Agencies | Cooperation with Energy and Development Agencies in the project development |
Academia | Cooperation with Academia in the project development |
SME’s | Cooperation with SME’s in the project development |
NGO’s | Cooperation with other NGO’s in the project development |
Citizens | All the work of KLIK is oriented around the needs of the citizens. |
Democratic Purpose
Participant Recruitment
nteraction between participants
Key enablers
Political: political commitment of the highest level of the city of Križevci
Social: Initiative started by the citizens
Key inhibiting factors
Political: Uncertainty of project development because of lack of support from governmental and international level
Economic: Difficulties regarding financial security and needed employment to keep the cooperative growing
Legal: National laws are not in favour of a cooperative model
Drawbacks/pros/cons of the solutions (after implementation)
KLIK encourages local people to invest in renewable energy sources, both in public projects and in their households, they help citizens in the development and application of renewable energy projects and are a place for all issues related to energy, climate, quality of life and strive to be a driver of change in their local community. To do so, KLIK leads several projects which have the goal to involve citizens. One of the projects is the festival “Klikni na održivo” (eng. Click on sustainable), which is an annual sustainability festival in Križevci where citizens have the opportunity to participate in various workshops and lectures, learn about sustainable lifestyles, meet sustainable products, associations and projects.
A cooperative such as KLIK can be established in every city with the active involvement of the citizens to encourage the empowerment of the local community through cooperation, joint creation, capacity building, and the implementation of technology in the social environment. These types of cooperatives develop proactive, synergetic climate responses in an integrated manner that at the same time offer immediate involvement and are politically acceptable.
Key lessons
Main positive lessons/opportunities identified
- Easier engagement of other citizens (citizens working with citizens, more trust)
- A better understanding of problems in the local community
- Involvement in the city’s energy transition by combining needed expertise and 'on-ground' experience
Main failures/barriers identified
- Difficulties regarding financial security and needed employment to keep the cooperative growing
- National laws are not in favour of a cooperative model
- Uncertainty of project development because of lack of support from governmental and international level
Completed projects: 1
Ongoing projects: 6
External link
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