Landforce is an organisation based in Pittsburgh, USA, that provides underserved community members training and employment in environmental work. It combines workforce development training with environmental stewardship employment.
Brief description
Landforce strives for self-empowerement for people wanting to have meaningful and stable employment while protecting the environment.
Landforce not only trains, educates and hires adults (for a period of time and then helps them find long-term employment) who have faced structrual barriers to employment, but it also works toward a healthy environment. It works on different land stewardship services such as as trail construction, habitat restoration and stormwater management. It also creates and fosters partnership with potential employers, so that the trainees can find long-term employment.
Since 2016, Landforce has hired over 100 people and contributed to over 50.000 hours of environmental stewardship in the Pittsburgh region. On average, 92 percent of those who start with Landforce, find employment within two-weeks of completing a season with Landforce.
Landforce works with public and private agencies, and green space development experts on land stewardship services.
Habitat restoration, garden, trail, training
Time period
2016- ongoing
Culture, civic participation & social innovation
Capacity & capability
Community wealth building is the revitalisation of communities that often lack government funding, while taking care of the surrounding environment and providing enjoyable community spaces. As a result, underserved community members can gain skills and work on projects that affect their communities.
Community wealth building also aims to provide local jobs, and provide communities and individuals increased asset ownership. It also tries to increase the funds from local institutions for the benefit of the community. This is the case in Landforce, where local organisations have provided funds to support childcare needs for workers and bought vacant land so that organisations like Landforce can work on them.
World Region
Scale(s) of the case analysed
Target audience and dimension
Domain(s) of application
Context addressed
Solution applied
Challenge addressed/ Problem-led approach
Barriers addressed
Main Practices
Co benefits
Engagement Journey
Impact to climate neutrality
Landforce promotes climate resilience through community wealth building by turning vacant land into gardens and communal spaces. It uses green infrastructure to hire members of the community to work on erosion control, garden bed installation, invasive plant removal, and tree care and maintenance.
Landforce trainees are trained to help install rain gardens, bioswales and stormwater projects. They also maintain vacant land/degraded habitats that are usually full of garbage or are spaces for crime. They make the land more pleasant to look at while planting grass, trees and flowers. They also create new and safe trails, and reroute existing trails.
Context & Public policy of reference
Innovative approach(es) addressed
Landforce provides training to underserved community members to better equip them for the future job market through green infrastructure.
- Landforce partners directly with employers to understand their employment needs.
- Landforce trains underserved communities such as returning residents, veterans, those with a history of substance use, and refugees. It aims to provide ways for family sustaining jobs so that individuals can stay and live in their historical homes and neighbourhoods.
In 2011, Emerald Trail Crop (ETC) started a project to employ people from disenfranchised areas of Pittsburgh to work on a park’s trail. Then ETC started to expand beyond trail conservation. By late 2016, Landforce (formerly ETC) had 12 crew members and had secured contracts and maintained huge plots of vacant land in Pittsburgh.
Stakeholder networks and organisational model
- The Allegheny County Human Services Department- Provides grants to for example help workers pay for childcare support.
- Heinz Endowments- Partnership with Landfroce. It buys vacant land for local organisations to work on.
- Landforce- Oversees projects, trains individuals, provides other community wealth practices.
- Trainees- Part of the projects, from Pittsburgh.
Network, governance and communication:
1. Weekly team meetings for crew and staff (trainees) to come together.
2. Trainees meet weekly to identify barriers to employment and implement solutions and connect to permanent employment.
To understand better the strengths of Landforce and spaces for improvement, a planning team was created to make decisions on a strategic plan for Landforce.
1. A Strategic Planning Committee made up of some staff members, board members, and a consulting team, assisted in the planning work which began in March 2021.
i. The Strategic Planning Committee focused on its work in the later stages of shaping the strategic priorities, the executive director, programs directors and full staff worked to develop a complete set of goals and associated action plan.
2. All staff and board members participated in the planning process.
4. The consulting team engaged with internal and external stakeholders with interviews, focus group conversations and a staff survey to understand the strengths of Landfroce and how to establish more productive strategies.
--> These show how Landforce aimed to include its workforce to strengthen its vision and work.
Democratic Purpose
Participant Recruitment
nteraction between participants
Key enablers
Key inhibiting factors
Drawbacks/pros/cons of the solutions (after implementation)
1. Trainees receive soft skills training to build their resumes such as conflict resolution, first aid, effective teamwork and many others. They also receive individualised career coaching.
2. Engaging and training underserved community members.
Key lessons
1. The % of trainees getting permanent jobs by the end of the year of the program.
2. Positive testimonials: increase in confidence, punctuality, conflict resolution, purpose in life, leadership skills, and teamwork skills.
External link
Bozuwa, J. (n.d.). Building Resiliency Through Green Infrastructure. A Community Wealth Building Approach. Retrieved from
Landforce. Retrieved from
Landforce. (n.d.). Landforce Annual Report 2017. Retrieved from
Landforce. (n.d.). Strategic Plan 2022-2025. Retrieved from
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