A digital twin presents a digital replica of a real object or process or a system and uses data from the real environment to represent, analyse, validate and simulate present and future behaviour [11]. Typically, connecting real objects with its digital twin enables testing new scenarios or models in real time without interfering with the real objects. Using digital twins, various forms of data analysis can be performed in the digital realm and results can be visualised, e.g., predictive analysis, cause-effect analysis, or analysis of what-if scenarios, and that makes local digital twins (LDTs) of cities, regions or communities an ideal tool for awareness raising, planning and decision-making. Such a solution can play a critical role for climate neutrality initiatives where monitoring, analysis and predictions or forecasting can provide citizens, planners, policy and decision makers, necessary data-driven intelligence on which appropriate actions or interventions can be introduced.
There are common misconceptions about [19] digital twins, such as that it has to be an exact 3D model of a physical thing or confusing the different levels of integration between physical and real systems. The latter is clarified by the following three different definitions [11] [19]: i) a digital model requires manual exchange of data between real objects and digital objects and a change in physical object has no impact on its digital replica; ii) a digital shadow is at next level where there is one-way data exchange and change in physical system is reflected in its digital object; and, iii) a digital twin is expected to have bidirectional exchange of data which means change in one should result in a change in its corresponding model.
There are several digital twin solutions and most of them fall within the digital model or digital shadow category. Most solutions focus on a specific problem domain such as industry [33], manufacturing [23][32], health [12] or medicine [24]. Digital twins have also gained attention in the smart city domain [29][27][15] with numerous examples of LDTs either developed or in development at local, city, regional or national level in the EU and in other parts of the world. In terms of EU-funded research projects several domain-specific digital twin solutions are in development in the urban context such as construction [22][BIMPROVE][COGITO][SPHERE], water [DWC][SCOREWATER], green infrastructure including agriculture & farming [RESET][FinEst GreenTwin][21][13] mobility [DUET][LEAD][MOVE21][AI4CITIES], energy [TwinERGY][SPHERE][AI4CITIES], planning, policy-making and decision support [CUTLER][RESET][Smarticipate][DUET][URBANAGE].
Source: RUGGEDISED project, Deliverable 6.6
These solutions rely on various technologies including IoTs, AI and other but all are grounded on data from many sources: local platforms, big data, (non-)spatial and temporal data streaming, and require interoperability, harmonisation and access through web services (e.g., RESTful service interface), federated data spaces and others complying to service interoperability, data privacy and security, data processing based on trusted machine learning and AI models, and 2D/3D and immersive visualisation and simulations.
Ecosystem of Digital Twins: The key for climate neutrality challenge is to perform data analysis at a city or city-regional scale and it requires cross-disciplinary data fusion and knowledge generation that is often needed across multiple levels of governance. Hence, there are already ongoing efforts on defining principles for an ecosystem of digital twins where results and data sharing across digital twin nodes will be key enabler for deriving much needed intelligence [25].
For assistance in the implementation of LDTs, cities can benefit from programmes and initiatives under the DIGITAL Europe Programme [35].
A few digital twin technologies and their TRL are covered in [11, Table 2].
Commercial platforms available on the market: Microsoft’s Azure Digital Twin [8], IBM’s Digital Twin Exchange [7], Siemens’ Digital Enterprise Suite [9], GE’s Digital Twin (Assets and Process) [5] are a few examples of commercial digital twin platform. These platforms provide necessary storage, computer and communication tools to design and implement custom or tailor-made solutions.
In the deployment of an LTD, a city or community can take a modular approach, with the first step being the deployment of open-standards based Local Data Platforms, of which there are many available on the market. Components, including those developed by other cities, can be reused, provided shared standards and technical specifications are used, such as the Minimum Interoperability Mechanism (MIMs Plus) of the Living-in.EU movement. This approach provides greater market choice for cities and communities, allowing them to avoid vendor lock in. It also grants greater opportunities to innovative SMEs to scale up.
Profitability, entrepreneurship and innovation: Through rapid prototyping, digital replica can be built quickly without interrupting the operations and users’ practice. (FinEst GreenTwin, RESET, SPHERE, URBANAGE, DUET). The ability to apply AI or machine learning to predict future behaviour and potential problems for a given scenario can help finding innovative solutions for better planning and entrepreneurship. (DUET, LEAD, SPHERE, FinEst, AI4CITIES)
Cost-effectiveness: It saves resources as initial investment to test new ideas or model scenarios is minimal as compared to costs to bring real changes in the physical system or environment. (Smarticipate, LEAD, TwinERGY, RESET).
Decreased maintenance costs: Maintenance costs can be saved through early detection of safety of structures. (BIMPROVE)
Improved access to information, Raised awareness/behavioural change, Enhanced citizen participation, connectivity, community life: Simulations and visualisations can help to share knowledge about potential climate related issues and raise awareness among stakeholders for behaviour change (TwinERGY) as well as to provide opportunities to co-design public policy by inclusive engagement for urban planning and decision making (URBANAGE).
Technical aspects/infrastructure: A basic digital twin requires a local data platform (LDP) as fundamental data-integrating infrastructure. A number of services functionalities can be deployed, either focusing on a specific sector, or taking a cross-sectoral approach. Such solutions rely on fine-grained data, domain specific computational models, visualisation and simulation tools, IoT deployment and computational infrastructure e.g., cloud computing [19][25][34]. For instance, a 3D city model with higher level of detail (LOD) can provide better visualisation impact and at times such data is open e.g., Helsinki city model in LOD2 [2], Zurich city model [1] or others [3] in CityGML format where data quality ranges from very high (LOD4) to low (LOD1). Secure technical and communication infrastructure is also critical to collect data from sensors or repositories and share it with different authorised and interoperable services [25]. Data harmonisation or interoperability approaches such as Ontology [COGITO] (e.g., smart city ontology for digital twins [10]) can help in understanding and performing analysis on data. Big data processing and AI processing can benefit from elasticity characteristic of cloud computing to generate timely results. Compliance to standards like OGC, ISO, W3C and more specifically for Digital Twins [25][18] is essential for wider adoption and replicability of digital solutions.
Funding and financing: Whilst access to funds is essential, public-private partnerships should be established for long-term sustainability of such solutions [AI4CITIES].
Social context: For public participation initiatives it is essential to introduce inclusive approach by considering training and capacity building [URBANAGE].
Project governance and implementation modalities:
Co-creation and collaboration: digital twin design relies on data exchange and knowledge sharing among city (sectoral) departments, agencies, companies and stakeholders (industry/business/research institutes) and can benefit from co-creation and co-designing of the solutions.
Public-private partnerships: must be developed for the maintenance of the solutions and long-term sustainability of the projects.
Enabling conditions:
Technical aspects/infrastructure: Solutions range from a building to neighbourhood, city and city region scale that enables cross-comparison and reporting at multi governance levels. Here CHANGE2TWIN’s two basic requirements fit nicely:
‘fit for purpose’ i.e. the level of detail that can serve the purpose and sufficiently accurate that it can be basis for decision. This means a twin does not need to cover all aspects. In fact, multiple twins can work together [25] to deliver ‘fit for purpose’.
‘technology, data models, etc. can be reused for not just one, but multipurpose’ where interoperable parts of a digital platform can work together with other solutions and are reusable.
Policy and regulatory/legal framework:
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enables citizens right to protection of their personal data, especially where citizen-oriented solutions are applied (TwinERGY, URBANAGE). Other local level policies and strategies such as Hamburg’s Digital Strategy [6], Bristol’s One City Climate Strategy [4] and Smart City Agenda [28] can provide political mandate and support.
The DIGITAL Europe Programme will assist cities and communities with the rollout of LDTs, providing advisory support for the deployment of open-standards based Local Data Platforms. A data space for smart communities will support an EU-wide data-sharing architecture, and a toolbox of re-usable components of LDTs will assist local authorities to build their own LDT based on shared tools and digital solutions [35]. Under the DIGITAL Europe programme, the Living-in.EU movement supports cities and communities interested in deploying LDT to collaborate on aspects relating to technical, legal and ethics, skills and capacity, and monitoring and measuring [36]. Sectoral data spaces (such as the European Green Deal Data Space), DestinationEarth and the AI Testing and Experimentation Facility for smart communities will provide further advance to join EU efforts in this space. In particular, the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative is developing a global digital model of Earth for monitoring and predictive purposes. Based on geo-spatial and the socio-economic data coupled with simulation models into ‘digital twins’, DestinE will provide to a variety of users, including policy-makers at local level, trusted and verifiable information for evidence-based policy and decision-making [16].
Continued work on development on standardization is also required, supported by the EU Standardization Strategy [37] and Interoperable Europe [38], the EU’s public sector interoperability policy.
Funding and financing: access to EU/public funding is crucial to support such solutions and can further R&I in digital twins for Cities Mission.
Economic and social context: Training for local stakeholders including citizens, companies, researchers and students to build skills in data collection and innovation potential in different climate related fields through digital twin solutions.
Citizen engagement: Informing and connecting with key stakeholders through public consultations is crucial when using Digital Twin solutions. Public consultations help project organisers understand and account for stakeholders’ views and opinions on new possible constructions or designs that will impact the lives of the citizens in that area. These public consultations can for example include demonstrations of how new developments would affect inhabitants’ daily commutes on an interactive maphttps://euc-word-edit.officeapps.live.com/we/wordeditorframe.aspx?ui=en-GB&rs=en-IE&wopisrc=https://eceuropaeu.sharepoint.com/teams/GRP-CNC/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/2832e16f0a8746d58f7e2d65f94342be&wdenableroaming=1&mscc=1&hid=923379A0-D0E3-5000-98EF-C0E815DD1650&wdorigin=ItemsView&wdhostclicktime=1668612380141&jsapi=1&jsapiver=v1&newsession=1&corrid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&usid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&sftc=1&cac=1&mtf=1&sfp=1&instantedit=1&wopicomplete=1&wdredirectionreason=Unified_SingleFlush&rct=Medium&ctp=LeastProtected#_ftn1 [41]. These consultations should then lead to co-designing of the work so that citizens’ input and feedback is incorporated in it. Co-designing with the inhabitants of an area in which a Digital Twin is being implemented enables citizens to monitor the work being done and creates an understanding of the work modalities and purposes [42]. Further, informing residents of what kind of data is collected, where, and for how long, helps them make more informed decisions in the consultations and co-design processes [43]. In this regard, creating interactive maps and platforms on a city’s Digital Twin that citizens can freely play on and explore may also help create a better understanding and sense of participation [44].
There are several challenges or barriers in developing and/or using digital twin solutions [11][19][34]:
Technical aspects/infrastructure:
Technology readiness and compatibility: It relies on several technologies including GIS, 2D/3D visualisation and simulations, AR/VR, IoTs, AI, big data, machine learning, HPC/cloud computing etc. Many of these technologies themselves are in developing phases and this holds back the evolution of digital twins. These tools often need to talk with legacy systems where compatibility issues can be challenging.
Choice of commercial software solutions: Vendor lock-in in digital twin platforms by Microsoft, IBM, Siemens, General Electric, etc. makes it harder to choose one that is most suitable to deliver required service.
Data issues: Absence of required data e.g., high level of detail 3D city model is expensive to acquire; governance and quality of data, type and formats may vary and often need to be mapped or transformed into more usable format. Also, trust and privacy of data becomes challenging, especially, where convergence of data from various sources is used for large scale analysis.
Funding and financing:
High cost: Computational platforms, data storage (e.g., cloud) and digital infrastructure e.g., sensors deployment and communication network are expensive resources.
Policy and regulatory/legal framework:
Lack of standards and regulations: Existing literature and experiences from implementation of digital twins provide useful source of best practices. However, for a wider adoption and exploitation of digital twin solutions, standards and regulations can influence reusability, compatibility and integration among multiple solutions (similar to a network of digital twins [25]). Although some common standards and tools for integration and interoperability already exist (e.g. OGC CityGML, OASC Minimum Interoperability Mechanisms, endorsed by Living-in.EU, the FIWARE framework), they tend to be fragmented and need further development.
Project governance and implementation modalities:
Collaboration across departments: Data and knowledge sharing from (sectoral) departments, agencies, companies or stakeholders require good governance, political will and support to apply such solutions.
Lack of skills: lack of competent experts within city staff to develop and operate digital twins [17].
Unfamiliarity: Possible unfamiliarity of citizens with the technologies used in Digital Twinshttps://euc-word-edit.officeapps.live.com/we/wordeditorframe.aspx?ui=en-GB&rs=en-IE&wopisrc=https://eceuropaeu.sharepoint.com/teams/GRP-CNC/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/2832e16f0a8746d58f7e2d65f94342be&wdenableroaming=1&mscc=1&hid=923379A0-D0E3-5000-98EF-C0E815DD1650&wdorigin=ItemsView&wdhostclicktime=1668612380141&jsapi=1&jsapiver=v1&newsession=1&corrid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&usid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&sftc=1&cac=1&mtf=1&sfp=1&instantedit=1&wopicomplete=1&wdredirectionreason=Unified_SingleFlush&rct=Medium&ctp=LeastProtected#_ftn1 [43].
Societal concerns: Possible concern of citizens of the technologies used in Digital Twins such as 5G [43][44].
Social inclusiveness: Restriction of the citizen pool involved only to digitally savvy people, thus limiting inclusivity.
As these are digital solutions, they will require managing and maintenance:
Data governance: ensuring the data collection, data fusion and data sharing remains trust-worthy and does not violate privacy and confidentiality regulations. Specifically to address privacy concerns, the integration of synthetic data with digital twins can be an effective solution. In particular, the use of synthetic populations consisting of artificial sets of individuals, families, and households can be beneficial to municipalities wishing to design, model, and test citizens-centred policy interventions [14].
Accuracy and reliability of outcomes: the accuracy of present and future behaviour prediction relies on the reliability and accuracy of the underlying AI or machine learning models used for specific applications. Tested and proven models can be useful e.g., LEAD’s 20 models: optimisation, impact assessment, stakeholder acceptability, agent-based, demand models.
Operational and maintenance support: maintenance costs can be high and hence to cover these costs, a reliable source of funding and/or business models should be considered. This necessitates long-term sustainability of the solutions by forming public-private partnerships to ensure sufficient resources are available to keep these solutions operational.
External links:
3D Models of Helsinki - https://hri.fi/data/en_GB/dataset/helsingin-3d-kaupunkimalli
3DCityDB in Action: https://www.3dcitydb.org/3dcitydb/3dcitydb-in-action/
Bristol’s One City Climate Strategy - https://www.bristolonecity.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/one-city-climate-strategy.pdf
General Electric’s Digital Twin for Assets and Processes - https://www.ge.com/digital/applications/digital-twin
Hamburg’s digital strategy https://www.hamburg.de/contentblob/14924946/e80007b350f1abdc455cfaea7e8cd76c/data/download-digitalstrategie-englisch.pdf
IBM Digital Twin Exchange - https://www.ibm.com/uk-en/topics/what-is-a-digital-twin
Microsoft Azure Digital Twin – https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/services/digital-twins/
Siemen’s Digital Enterprise Suite - https://new.siemens.com/global/en/company/topic-areas/digital-enterprise.html
Smart Cities Ontology for Digital Twins (Azure), https://github.com/Azure/opendigitaltwins-smartcities/
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Digital twins are useful tools for monitoring and planning and their predictive modelling and simulation features can help in performing impact assessment of planning interventions on GHG emissions and climate neutrality. The above examples indicate high potential of gaining environmental intelligence in the domains of transport, buildings, energy, waste, water and planning which can contribute to decision making and introducing informed action plans for achieving climate neutrality. For example, SPHERE is targeting 25% less CO2 and GHG emissions through building construction and energy optimisation.
Qualification programmes: Digital twins are built on a variety of technologies [11][23][19] [25][34] and focused training can be useful to exploit full potential of digital twin technological landscape and implement tailor-made solutions.
Public Private Partnerships: can provide support for maintenance and long-term sustainability of digital twin solutions [AI4CITIES].
Integrated action plans: are useful to tackle climate challenge and modelling it in a digital twin environment by harmonising cross-domain data and then applying trusted AI models to generate environmental intelligence [RESET] can be used for monitoring and decision making purposes.
Institutional cooperation: is essential for data and knowledge exchange for digital twin solutions.
Data strategy: can play an important role in exploiting digital twin solutions e.g., open data, citizen science, data quality and standards, data privacy and ownership and incentivisation, etc.
GHG scenario modelling: One of the strengths of digital twin solutions is that different scenarios can be modelled and tested for predictive analysis e.g., impact of road closure on traffic on selected road/street [DUET] (Ghent scenario).
Databases: While each digital solution relies on specific dataset, there are several open data sources which may be useful for different scenarios and predictive analysis. EU data repositories including Copernicus, EUROSTAT, data.europa.eu, and national or city level open data portals are a few examples.
Informative/ Awareness raising instruments: these include: i) stakeholder mapping, to understand who the key stakeholders are and to then understand their role and needs in projects; ii) consultations to understand the concerns and needs of citizens; iii) Co-design to collaboratively shape the development and work on the needs of citizens; iv) drop-in sessions by using communal spaces for initial contact with stakeholders and to raise queries [43]; v) Local Liaison Forums, i.e., spaces where citizens can further engage in discussions, previously chaired by local councillorshttps://euc-word-edit.officeapps.live.com/we/wordeditorframe.aspx?ui=en-GB&rs=en-IE&wopisrc=https://eceuropaeu.sharepoint.com/teams/GRP-CNC/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/2832e16f0a8746d58f7e2d65f94342be&wdenableroaming=1&mscc=1&hid=923379A0-D0E3-5000-98EF-C0E815DD1650&wdorigin=ItemsView&wdhostclicktime=1668612380141&jsapi=1&jsapiver=v1&newsession=1&corrid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&usid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&sftc=1&cac=1&mtf=1&sfp=1&instantedit=1&wopicomplete=1&wdredirectionreason=Unified_SingleFlush&rct=Medium&ctp=LeastProtected#_ftn2 [45]; and vi) workshops, i.e., training sessions on the use of the data collected in Digital Twin projects. Once participants have a better understanding, cities may crowdsource suggestions about other uses of the data collectedhttps://euc-word-edit.officeapps.live.com/we/wordeditorframe.aspx?ui=en-GB&rs=en-IE&wopisrc=https://eceuropaeu.sharepoint.com/teams/GRP-CNC/_vti_bin/wopi.ashx/files/2832e16f0a8746d58f7e2d65f94342be&wdenableroaming=1&mscc=1&hid=923379A0-D0E3-5000-98EF-C0E815DD1650&wdorigin=ItemsView&wdhostclicktime=1668612380141&jsapi=1&jsapiver=v1&newsession=1&corrid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&usid=2e9916ea-efa4-41f2-8f18-89ca365b9897&sftc=1&cac=1&mtf=1&sfp=1&instantedit=1&wopicomplete=1&wdredirectionreason=Unified_SingleFlush&rct=Medium&ctp=LeastProtected#_ftn3 [43].
AI4CITIES: aims to bring forth innovative technological solutions including AI (prediction and optimization), big data, cloud computing and 5G to support carbon neutrality goals of selected cities. Their focus in on energy and mobility and reducing CO2 and GHG emissions. Shortlisted innovative solutions from selected suppliers (small consortiums) through a procurement process are being tested in pilot cities: Helsinki, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris, Stavanger and Tallinn. (H2020, Jan 2020 – Dec 2022)
BIMPROVE: aims to lead the European construction industry to a low-carbon, climate-resilient digital transformation by harnessing the power of digital twin technology at construction sites. BIMProve demos include stationary, ground-based and UAV-based data acquisition, Augmented Reality (AR) for Building Information Modelling (BIM) visualisation, multi-user Virtual Reality (VR), auto detection of safety structures through machine vision, mapping of point clouds to IFC elements and web front-end to improve efficiency and outcomes in building and construction planning and operations. (Horizon 2020 Sept 2020 – Aug 2023)
COGITO: aims to harmonise BIM with Digital Twin model. It improves interoperability (e.g., ontologies) among the different components (BIM, AI, AR, Blockchain) applied within the digital twin platform or entire toolchain to early and timely detect health and safety hazards, geometric and visual discrepancies in order to minimise construction project time/cost and avoid workplace accidents. (Horizon 2020 Nov 2020 – Oct 2023)
CUTLER: aims to support policy planners by looking at evidence-based policy/planning development for coastal urban development. The platform provides a city dashboard which presents computational intelligence (predictive models for economic growth, environmental impact and social consequences) generated through big/sensors data to support decision making. Use cases are built based on specific needs of Thessaloniki, Antalya, Antwerp and Cork. (Horizon 2020 Jan 2018 – Dec 2020)
DUET: aims to develop digital urban twin for smart decision making by providing real time information about urban events to planner so that they can react and also use this information for long-term policy making. Their focus is on transport, mobility, environment including air quality and noise, health, spatial planning and public engagement. The pilots include: Flanders region, Athens and Pilsen. Their demo website is available at: https://citytwin.eu/. (Horizon 2020, Dec 2019 – Nov 2022)
DWC: Digital Water City aims to develop data driven 15 digital water management solutions (including ground water flow, monitoring, early warning system, smart sewer cleaning etc.) and use AR, mobile app, Web GIS, machine learning, cloud computing, AI and predictive modelling. AR and 3D visualisation provide easy-to-understand information. Case studies include: Berlin, Copenhagen, Sofia, Milan and Paris. (Horizon 2020 June 2019 – Nov 2022)
FinEst Twins: Helsinki and Tallinn aim to develop a cross-border smart city centre of excellence and focuses on governance and urban analytics in several climate-related domains including: mobility, energy, green and built environment. Several pilots are included e.g., FinEst GreenTwins pilot for virtual green planner in built environment and public engagement. (Horizon 2020 and European Regional Development Fund co-funded by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research Dec 2019 – Nov 2026)
LEAD: aims to develop environmentally, socially and economically sustainable solutions for smart urban logistics by producing CAD simulations of future plans to support city planners in decision making. Their focus is on developing digital twins for low emission last mile logistics. These solutions are being tested in six living labs: Madrid, The Hague, Budapest, Lyon, Oslo and Porto. (Horizon 2020, June 2020 – May 2023)
MOVE21: tests an integrated and holistic approach of combining passenger and freight transport to boost resilience of transport system. It tests the idea of transport hubs, covering a large scope of mobility solutions (technology, including digital twin) and the use of clean and smart mobility logistics as a step towards zero emissions and climate resilient transport system. There are six living labs participating where the main front-runner cities are: Oslo, Gothenburg, Hamburg; and the replicator cities are: Munich, Bologna and Rome. (Horizon 2020 May 2021 – April 2025)
RESET: aims to provide environmental intelligence driven from a range of data streams, AI and interoperable environmental sensing to understand and support agriculture and urban development for sustainability. Impacts on employment, environment and economy are being examined through several tools such as policy support tool. Tourism, water/flood, noise, air quality, light pollution and farming are key domains. Demo sites include: Europe, London, Thames Gateway Oxford-Cambridge Arc, Cuenca del Duero, Rivas-VaciaMadrid, Bologna and Carasuhat. (Horizon 2020 Jan 2021 – Dec 2023)
SCOREWATER: aims to develop smart water management platform based on open source platform components, namely FIWARE solutions. It ensures resilience of cities by improving management of wastewater, storm-water and flooding. This include monitoring through sensors and applying predictive models for decision tools, behaviour modelling and identifying actions to mitigate water and health related risks. Three cases included: Amersfoort (flooding), Barcelona (sewage) and Goteborg (water pollution). (Horizon 2020 May 2019 – April 2023)
Smarticipate: aims to make use of open and auxiliary data to visualise a digital model (2D and 3D) of a neighbourhood or a building or a selected area through a web portal and generate calculated feedback for planning interventions. Smarticipate provides citizens access to city data and enable them to support city decision-making processes. Pilot cities included: Rome, Hamburg and Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London. (Horizon 2020 Feb 2016 – Jan 2019)
SPHERE: benefits from Digital or Predictive Twin solutions and goes beyond building information modelling (BIM). It aims for improving and optimising buildings’ energy design, construction, performance and management, reducing construction costs and their environmental impact while increasing overall energy performance. Four pilots are being tested in Finland, Austria, Italy and Netherlands. (H2020 Nov 2018 – Oct 2022)
TwinERGY: aims to develop a digital twin intelligence for optimising demand response for energy ecosystem (residential buildings) and enabling citizens to actively adapt their consumption to market fluctuations with the help of digital intelligence. Pilots include: Bristol, Steinheim, Sardegna and Athens. (Horizon 2020 Nov 2020 – Oct 2023)
URBANAGE: aims to support data driven long-term sustainable planning and decision making by ensuring ageing population can remain engaged in decision-making processes and develop an inclusive co-creating strategy that utilises multidimensional big data analysis modelling and simulation with AI, visualisation through gamification and digital twins. Piloting planning systems are from three cities: Helsinki, Santander and Flanders. (Horizon 2020 Feb 2021 – Jan 2024)
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