Author: European Union's Horizon 2020
Category: Finance Facility
Published/Created by: European Union's Horizon 2020
The EUCF is a European initiative to support municipalities/local authorities, their groupings, as well as local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities across Europe to develop investment concepts to accelerate investments in sustainable energy. In form of a EUR 60,000 grant, the EUCF finances services and activities to support the development of investment concepts, such as (technical) feasibility studies, market analyses, stakeholder analyses, legal, economic and financial analyses, risk analyses and further supporting tasks. The grant is not meant to directly finance investments. It is used to access services and develop an investment concept, which might become a door-opener for many follow-up investments (such as from ELENA to PDAs to private investments). The ultimate objective is to build a substantial pipeline of sustainable energy investment projects across municipalities, local authorities and local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities in Europe. Delivering this will require organisational, technical and financial innovation, in particular to bridge the capacity and capability gap for small and medium-sized municipalities. The vision of the EUCF is one where European cities have their say on how the EUCF financial and technical support will be used to meet their needs and help them overcome the barriers they face in financing and implementing their ambitious energy and climate strategies.
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